There are red blood cells in our blood that carry oxygen throughout the body. From the distribution of these red blood cells, we get to know their height and shape. If the level of their shapes is too high or too low, then we come to know that there is some problem in our health and we have some disease. So in today’s article, we have shared its details with you and told you how much blood is normal for our body, what its importance is, and if its level is high or the low, then what should you do. So let’s start today’s article and know what level of RDW is dangerous.
What is RDW (Red Blood Cell Distribution Width)?
RDW or Red Blood Cell Distribution Width is a laboratory test that examines the variability in the size of red blood cells (erythrocytes). It means red blood cell distribution width. Let me tell you that this variation matters in the size of red blood cells, and if RDW is normal in our red blood or is of the normal size, then we come to know that our health condition is good and there is no problem with our health.
Why is RDW important?
We have a lot of trouble knowing what is going on inside our bodies. In such a situation, we need to get an RDW test done, through which we can understand from the doctor what is actually happening in our body. It is very important to get this test done, and common people do not understand its importance.
But we want to tell you that it is only through this test that we come to know whether our body is going through any health issues like anemia, heart disease, vitamin deficiency, and many other things. That is why it is important for us to know what level of RDW is dangerous; only then can we take care of ourselves.
When to Get an RDW Blood Test Done?
Doctors measure RDW by taking a complete blood count. The CBC test gives us information about the different components of our blood. This test also gives us information about RBC, white blood cells, and platelets. This is how we come to know that RDW is dangerous at a certain level.
If you want to know when you need to get your blood tested, then you need to look at some symptoms in your body.
- If you feel very tired or feel weak throughout the day, then you should get this test done.
- Shortness of breath can also be a symptom.
- Sudden abnormal weight loss is also a big symptom of High RDW.
- Doctors also suggest this test for suspected anemia.
- This test is also necessary for pale skin and dizziness.
Let me tell you that the doctor also helps in diagnosing other conditions through this test, such as iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, and different blood disorders. Through this test, everything that is going on in our body becomes known.
High RDW and Its Associated Diseases
If you have high RDW in your body, it can indicate many serious health problems. It does not necessarily mean that you have a disease, but it can be an issue and it also hints at an upcoming issue.
We have added details of different diseases in a table below and how they are related to RDW. We have also mentioned that below, so you must take some information.
Disease | How High RDW is Related? |
Anemia | RBCs become uneven in size due to low iron or vitamin deficiency |
Heart Disease | High RDW is linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke |
Liver Disease | Liver problems can affect blood cell production and cause RDW changes |
Cancer | Some cancers can cause abnormal RBC sizes |
Diabetes | Uncontrolled diabetes can impact red blood cells and increase RDW |
What is the Normal Range of RDW-CV Test?
To know what level of RDW is dangerous, you must know the normal RDW range. Its level has been stated differently for people of different age groups.
- If you are a child, then the range of 11.3 percent to 14.3 percent is considered normal in your body.
- For adults, the range of 11.3 percent to 15 percent is considered normal.
- For elders, the range of 11.3 percent to 14.8 percent is considered normal.
So if this value is more than 15 percent, then it shows that there is some problem in our body and we need to do further medical evaluation. So in summary, it can be said that more than a 15 percent level of RDW is dangerous.
What Level of RDW is Dangerous?
So as we told you above, if RDW is more than 15 percent, then it is considered abnormal. If it has increased to more than 16 percent or 17 percent, then it tells us that there is a serious health issue in our body, like severe anemia, chronic liver disease, advanced heart disease, or even cancer.
As RDW increases, its risk also increases. Doctors suggest getting other tests done when RDW is high.
Management of High RDW Levels
If your RDW is very high, then you do not need to be afraid; there are ways to cure it. Doctors mainly recommend lifestyle changes, and the doctor will give you treatment according to the type of disease you have. We are telling you some basic tips and tricks by which you can correct these RDW levels.
You have to follow them. If you have a serious disease, then we suggest you consult your doctor before trying anything.
- First of all, you will need to improve your diet and eat iron-rich foods like spinach and meat.
- You should also add vitamin B12 foods to your diet, like dairy and fish.
- Along with this, it is very important for you to stay hydrated throughout the day to maintain your blood health. If you have diabetes, then drinking water will help maintain your health.
- Physical activity is also very important in maintaining RDW. If you want good blood circulation and red blood cell production, then you will have to exercise regularly.
- If even after this, your levels are not normal, then it means you have liver disease, diabetes, or any heart disease, and you need proper treatment.
Guidelines to Follow Before, During, and After the RDW-CV Test
For getting an RDW CV test done, you have to follow some guidelines before and after the test. There are also guidelines to be followed during the test.
- If you are getting the test done for the first time, then it is suggested that you drink more water. You should not consume alcohol at all for 24 hours, and there is no need for you to fast.
- During the test, a small amount of blood is taken from your arm. This process is very quick and will not take much time.
- After the test, you should reduce movement in the area from where your blood has been taken, and you should avoid performing too many physical activities that require effort.
- Immediately after getting the blood test done, you should eat some glucose-rich food items such as biscuits and apple juice.
Cost of RDW-CV Test
There are many service providers in India who come to your home and take your blood sample. You do not need to go anywhere for this. Your work will be done while sitting at home. For this, you have to call professionals from any medical lab near you. You can also book it online.
The cost of getting an RDW CV test done is different in different cities and states. It also depends on the lab and the package you choose.
- If there is a private lab, like Lal Path Lab and SRL, they charge a little more, ranging from 300 to ₹700.
- In a local pathology lab, its cost ranges from 150 to 300 rupees.
- If you get a full body checkup, then this test will cost between one thousand and three thousand rupees.
Today, it is very important for everyone to What Level Of RDW Is Dangerous. It is a very important marker in the blood test. If it is very high, then you may have major health issues like liver problems and heart disease. If it is not normal, then it is very important for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and get regular checkups done. To maintain a normal level of blood RDW, you should maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and drink good-quality water to keep your blood health in check.